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Course Information

Duration:       From October, 2019 thru June, 2020

Time:              Sunday 4 - 7 PM

Venue:           Youth Lounge

Fees:               $350 

Acceptance:  max. 40 applicants

Certification: Diocese in collaboration with YouthTrain College (New Zealand) to issue certification after completion of requirements


I- Mission Within Youth Culture


To appreciate the cultural uniqueness of youth and its

relationship to Christian culture and to identify strategies

for appropriate and effective mission to young people.

Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this course students will be able to:
i. Apply the elements that constitute culture to develop a definition of a given culture.
ii. Analyse the effects of postmodernism within youth culture.
iii. Develop an appropriate and effective strategy for mission to a defined group of adolescents within Ontario.
iv. Demonstrate proficiency in communicating to adolescents within the context of their culture.


II- Introduction to Youth Leadership

To introduce basic concepts of Christian leadership and management
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this course students will be able to:
1.Identify the qualities and skills needed for Christian leadership.
2.Reflect on the responsibilities of Christian leadership.
3.Reflect on and implement personal and people management strategies.
4.Reflect on and implement planning strategies.


III- Youth Ministry Design and Programming
To develop a strategy for appropriate youth ministry design and to examine effective programming strategies
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this course students will be able to:
i. Develop a Biblical philosophy of youth ministry.
ii. Assess a current youth ministry and develop an appropriate design.
iii. Assess a current ministry and develop a balanced and effective youth ministry programme.
iv. Demonstrate proficiency in major aspects of programming.


IV- Pastoral Care of Adolescents
To create an understanding of the developmental and behavioural dynamics of adolescence and to develop effective pastoral care practice.
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this course students will be able to:
i. Identify significant developmental changes that take place in adolescence.
ii. Analyse the behavioural characteristics of adolescents with reference to external and internal issues.
iii. Design a pastoral care strategy for youth ministry that meets a range of needs.
iv. Demonstrate proficiency in providing individual pastoral care.


V- Apologetics For Adolescents’ Ministry


To orient servants with the main issues that challenge the faith of adolescents.  To equip the students so that they are  “always ready to give  a defense to everyone who asks them a reason for  the hope that is in them, with meekness and fear”. 

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this course students will be able to:

1.Understand the need to defend the Christian faith in today’s age.

2.Learn about the  current challenges that face the Christian believer.

3.Know how you ought to answer each one.

Reason with others on matters pertaining to the Christian faith.


VI- Purpose-Driven Youth Ministry


To provide a practical and step-by-step blueprint to build a purpose-driven adolescents’ ministry based on 5 Biblical purposes.

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this course (Book Study) students will be able to:

1.Follow through a plan to build a healthy youth ministry that isn’t dependent on one great youth worker and won’t be destroyed when that person leaves.

2.Understand how to tailor programming based on different adolescents’ needs and status in their journey to become Christ’s disciples.

Identify, understand and follow 9 essential foundations for healthy ministry growth.


VII- Crisis Management (NEW in 2019)


To provide students with further methods and ways to pastorally care for adolescents particularly in situations of a crisis. A short term model of intervention will be taught through cases studies.

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Learn & Practice a short-term model of intervention in crisis situations

2. Gain competence and skills in suicide intervention & Addictions

3. Identify the nature of commonly encountered crisis situations as well as develop the necessary interventions to be effective in ministering to people in such situations

4. Understand and form a list of community resources available for referral



YMCP is "Youth Ministry Certification Program" that offers an opportunity for people who are interested to learn more about adolescents and their ministries. 

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